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   截至3月10日,安慶石化催化裝置34臺機泵全部由“油浸式”潤滑改為“強制式”油霧潤滑。其中已有12臺機泵經(jīng)改造后已陸續(xù)投入正常運行,其它改造機泵的投用工作正在緊鑼密鼓地進行。此舉為這一關鍵裝置各類機泵的安穩(wěn)運行提供了可靠保障,同時將大大降低潤滑油的耗量。 As of March 10, anqing petrochemical catalytic 34 machine all by "oil-immersed lubrication pump instead of" forced "oil mist lubrication. Pump more than 12 sets of machine has been put into normal operation, modification of other modification of pump and putting-in-service proactively work is underway. The move is a key device of safe operation of pump and provides a reliable guarantee, at the same time will greatly reduce the consumption of lubricating oil.

   今年年初,該部在相關部門的大力支持下,利用催化裝置停工檢修之機,對機泵潤滑油系統(tǒng)進行改造,引進了機泵油霧潤滑系統(tǒng)。該系統(tǒng)利用裝置內(nèi)的凈化風將液體的潤滑油變成氣態(tài)的油霧注入到機泵的軸承箱,使機泵軸承潤滑由以前的“油浸式”潤滑改為“強制式”機械自動化潤滑。據(jù)了解,該裝置使用油霧潤滑后,機泵軸承箱的溫度平均下降了6-8℃,潤滑油耗量降低了約三分之一,不僅可提高設備使用壽命,而且大大減輕操作人員的工作量。Earlier this year, the ministry under the relevant departments to support, using catalytic device breakdown maintenance of the machine, the machine pump lubricating oil system, introduced the pump oil mist lubrication system.The system USES the purification of the device within the wind turns the lubricating oil of liquid oil mist of the gas is injected into the pump bearing box, the bearing lubrication pump from previous "oil-immersed lubrication to" force "mechanical automatic lubrication.It is understood that the device using oil mist lubrication, pump and the temperature of the bearing housing average dropped 6-8 ℃, lubricating oil consumption reduced about one-third, not only can increase the service life of the equipment, and greatly reduce the workload of operating personnel.

瀝青循環(huán)泵用NYP 高粘度泵, 雙螺桿泵還是RCB保溫齒輪泵
橄欖油輸送泵( 輸送橄欖油泵) 用什么泵- 遠東推薦KCB 不銹鋼齒輪泵
輸送可可油泵( 可可油輸送泵) 用什么泵
唐山某氯堿公司采購KCB33.3 不銹鋼齒輪泵用于分散劑循環(huán)泵, 引發(fā)劑儲罐循環(huán)泵, 鏈調(diào)節(jié)劑加料齒輪泵
